Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque Developers Seek Federal Funds | The Weekly Standard

Just when you thought there was nothing that topped the superlative – nothing beyond "–est”, as in “dumbest”, “slimiest”, “stupidest”, there is this: a Victory Mosque, which from its 13th floor, overlooks the site of Islamic, Koran-inspired expression of hatred for America and the "freedom for which it stands", better known as “Ground Zero”, funded with the tax dollars from hard working Americans, over whom the conquerors will gloat. And if this abysmal atrocity is allowed to continue, then this will, indeed, be a victory site, for we will have, as a nation, defaulted on the ownership of our own country, having handed it over to the enemy, from the hands of the guilt-ridden wraiths that think lying about how they really feel for the sake of how they appear to feel (the definition of Politically Correct), is more important than demanding that those who live here in America be American and embrace the culture of being American. Or not live here.
To defeat this summary act of weakness and self-loathing, one need only define the word "develop".

And you thought Washington had the greatest concentration of intellectual prowess in the world, right?

Ground Zero Mosque Developers Seek Federal Funds | The Weekly Standard

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