Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What's In A Word

What's in a word. The term "abortion" gets used so much that it has become common place in everyday speech and somewhere along the way, lost it's powerful meaning. When it happens in business, people get fired. It's typically indicative of a situation having gotten as bad as one can get.
So I decided to look it up on the website, Here's what I found under the heading for "Abortion":

Main Entry: failure

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: lack of success

Synonyms: abortion , bankruptcy, bomb, botch, breakdown, bungle, bust, checkmate, collapse, decay, decline, defeat, deficiency, deficit, deterioration, downfall, failing, false step, faux pas, fiasco, flash in the pan, flop, frustration, implosion, inadequacy, lead balloon, lemon, loser, loss, mess, misadventure, miscarriage, misstep, nonperformance, nonsuccess, overthrow, rout, rupture, sinking ship, stalemate, stoppage, total loss, turkey, washout, wreck

Antonyms: accomplishment, achievement, attainment, earnings, gain, merit, success, win

As we struggle through life trying to make it work, sometimes we need help along the way. Sometimes we go to those we trust to seek counsel and advice. If you were going to ask a trusted individual, in whom you had a measure of confidence, for advice on a matter that you felt was pretty serious in your life, whose outcome could have a lasting effect for many years to come and, should the wrong choice be made, might dictate a future filled with years of regret, how would you want to see yourself as viewed in the light of your decision? Looking at the definition and it synonyms as contrasted by the antonyms, I think its pretty clear how most people would choose. Then, there are those who have abandoned the idea that actions -choices- have consequences. Some refuse to take responsibility for their actions and seek support and comfort where they can find it. I believe that too many have found that comfort in being identified as one whose decisions result in things like abortion , bankruptcy, bomb, botch, breakdown, bungle, bust, checkmate, collapse, decay, decline, defeat, deficiency, deficit, deterioration, downfall, failing, false step, faux pas, fiasco, flash in the pan, flop, frustration, implosion, inadequacy, lead balloon, lemon, loser, loss, mess, misadventure, miscarriage, misstep, nonperformance, nonsuccess, overthrow, rout, rupture, sinking ship, stalemate, stoppage, total loss, turkey, washout, wreck. Too many get this advice from organizations like planned Parenthood which offer failure as the action to which their clients should most closely identify. That is, is the thesaurus and dictionary haven't lost all value in a society that has progressed more towards Alice's Wonderland than Thomas More's Utopia. Never underestimate what people will do for money. Never be shocked at how our country suffers from people who have abandoned any sense of value in themselves because those in whom they place their trust have failed them, as people, so miserably. Never be surprised that Planned Parenthood has found a rich and fertile marketplace in the poorer communities throughout America.
Planned Parenthood hasn't grown to raise the self-view of the poor.It has come to enrich itself, capitalizing on those who would agree that their lives are an abortion. planned parenthood just encourages them to continue to believe it.
American taxpayers financially support an organization that perpetuates failure in society by perpetuating choices that can only be defined, in dictionary terms, as "failure", synonymous with "abortion". Not all doctors went to med school to help others. Some just went there for the money.

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