Friday, January 21, 2011

BBC News - Tony Blair 'deeply and profoundly regrets' Iraq dead

"And this is not because we have done something. At some point - and I say this to you with all the passion I possibly can - the West has got to get out of what I think is this wretched policy, or posture, of apology for believing that we are causing what the Iranians are doing, or what these extremists are doing. The fact is we are not.
"The fact is they are doing it because they disagree fundamentally with our way of life and they will carry on doing it unless they are met with the requisite determination and, if necessary, force."
Tony Blair gets it: Obama and his policy needs to go. And if Governor Abercrombie of Hawaii is right, there is no birth certificate in the world that will prevent his removal from office if the Supreme court does the right and just thing in the matter. So far, the head of the Elections Board for the state and their governor are right. There is no birth certificate in Hawaii for Barack Obama.

BBC News - Tony Blair 'deeply and profoundly regrets' Iraq dead

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