Friday, April 22, 2011

No Break This Spring at the Gas Pump - ABC News

How to starve to death with a full pantry? Eat every meal in restaurants and never use the food you already own. Eventually, you will run out of money. Refusing to use what you already have, you starve.

As long as our oil comes from foreign sources rather than from our own supplies, the instabilities of  those governments will lead to the instability of our great and potentially self-sufficient nation as our leadership leads us well…right over the brink. Oil companies should not be allowed to be in the business unless they reinvest a portion of their profit every year into making gasoline less expensively and more abundantly. Too much of this nations economy is tied to that one commodity.

No Break This Spring at the Gas Pump - ABC News

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice post. thanks.