The US government can control the spread of stolen music and movies which threaten the incomes of a few RIAA executives and media moguls, even internationally; yet it is powerless to control the spread of illegally obtained security documents which threaten the security of this country and the world.
Of what use is the FBI , the CIA and the NSA if, in the end, it all goes up in smoke?
What does Julian Assange have on the heads of these organizations that renders them all so profoundly impotent? Somehow, it's difficult to imagine this going on under the direction of a strong leader. But, things being what they are, perhaps Mr. Assange, in light of what just happened in Iran, should be more than a bit nervous.
When stolen goods are taken to the pawn shop, the store's owner is liable for the provenance of the goods. Why is the New York Times and other purveyors in stolen goods immune from prosecution under the same statutes? If we don't have such statutes, why not? Is not doing the work of a spy, in essence, being a spy?
Spies get shot. And besides, with circulation in the toilet (no pun intended), very few would even notice the Times disappearance.
WikiLeaks Turns on Obama
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