Thursday, October 28, 2010

GOP plots 2011 Congressional agenda - Politics - Decision 2010 -

When our personal liberties were stripped away with being forced to buy a product called “healthcare”, forced to buy stock in GM and Chrysler, forced to be mortified by the President of the United States bowing to foreign heads of state as they looked as dumbfounded as we did… when all that and more was happening, the press called it “plans”. Now, when it looks like the American people have retained their sovereignty and are about to seize control of their own pursuit of happiness, the press, MSNBC to be particular about it, calls our determination a “plot”.

Along with ditching the pack of socialists that has invaded Washington, we need to find a way to provide for objective journalism, establishing scores for the highest degree of honesty and commensurate awards. Let the public see on a scorecard just how objective their favorite news source actually fares. Something like a Pulitzer, reserved for those who know what the truth is and how to tell it.
GOP plots 2011 Congressional agenda - Politics - Decision 2010 -

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