Obamacare: ‘Crime Against Democracy’ – Patriot Update“Adding 30+ million people to our medical system is akin to bringing the entire country of Canada (34 million) into our system. Leave all the doctors, nurses, hospitals, pharma, labs, etc. in Canada, just bring all the patients down. Then get on TV and tell the American public it’s a much better plan, and you’re going to love it! What a loser we have in Washington.”
Absit iniuria verbis: A conversation as it happened through a series of emails and the aftermath.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Obamacare: ‘Crime Against Democracy’ – Patriot Update.
Particularly Amusing
"...fire can only possibly have been discovered by a conservative unworried by liberal health and safety regulations. Moreover, by learning to cook meat, Early man made it more digestible, meaning he had more energy available to develop not only his “brawnpower” but his brainpower. If Homo Liberalis had gotten his way, fire would have been banned as a dangerous substance, and we’d still be living in the trees, chewing natural, healthy, raw vegetables, burping contentedly, and being ruled by a loud, gossipy matriarchy of Oprahs and Streisands."
At midterm, Obama tries can-do slogan, details TBD - WSFA 12 News Montgomery, AL |
No wonder his party distrusts him. He’s finally onto the problem and is, at least, pretending to want to do something about. After all, according to the Nobel Committee, ‘only wanting’ to do something is as prize worthy as actually being able to succeed.
Accordingly, "a winning slogan" ,indeed.
At midterm, Obama tries can-do slogan, details TBD - WSFA 12 News Montgomery, AL |
Live-Blog: Crisis In Egypt : The Two-Way : NPR
Just a year ago, Obama was in Egypt praising what they do, have done, and how well they’re doing it. all for the betterment and enlightenment of the world, setting the example all the way.
One wonders if he isn’t a bit anxious as of late.
Beheading suspect: Wife had my unconditional love | poughkeepsiejournal.com | Poughkeepsie Journal
What’s not to like???
Beheading suspect: Wife had my unconditional love | poughkeepsiejournal.com | Poughkeepsie Journal
Saturday, January 29, 2011
ACLU, feds coordinated attack on Arizona crackdown on illegals
If you ever thought that Eric Holder and the Obama administration had anything like integrity and honor as a code to follow, this should certainly dispel that myth. Outright collusion with the ACLU is not that for which our taxes should be paid.
"This is a matter of America's sovereignty and security, and every patriotic American must get involved," said Richard Thompson, president of the Thomas More Law Center.
The organization, a national, public-interest law firm in Michigan, filed a brief in support of Arizona's law.
"If we can't defend our borders from attack by illegal immigrants, in time we will lose our country," Thompson said. "What confidence should we have in an attorney general who, without even reading the law, accused Arizona of racial profiling? Patriotic Americans must show they stand with Arizona in this matter."
ACLU, feds coordinated attack on Arizona crackdown on illegals
Friday, January 28, 2011
As Egypt Clashes Continue, Fear of Islamists Paralyzes the U.S. - TIME
After having gone to Egypt to praise the goodness and peacefulness of the Egyptian Muslims rooted in their Islamic faith as commanded by “the Holy Koran”, why on earth would Barack Obama fear that they would be anything other than good and peaceful?
As Egypt Clashes Continue, Fear of Islamists Paralyzes the U.S. - TIME
It's cold out there, even for hardy New Englanders - USATODAY.com
MONTPELIER, Vt. — Train equipment froze, cars sputtered, schools canceled classes and cold-weather enthusiasts opted to stay inside Monday as a bitter blast of below-zero temperatures with promises of minus-50 wind chills gripped the Northeast.
The gasp-inducing cold tested the mettle even of New Englanders, who pride themselves on winter hardiness.
In Providence, it dipped to minus 1 early Monday, the first below-zero reading there in six years, the National Weather Service said.
When a planet is warming, there’s really no escape from it. Record breaking cold is about the best indicator of critical warming that there is, according to a consensus of scientists.
When you think about it, “science” is the methodical study of those things of which we are ignorant. Therefore, without ignorance, there is no use for science – it has no purpose beyond relieving ignorance. Therefore, to be a scientist, one must first profess sufficient ignorance to decide to devote one’s life to its absolution. So when we take a “consensus of scientists”, what we’re actually doing is polling the greatest number of those so sufficiently curious about their ignorance that they’ve devoted their lives to it and, as the most consciously aware of their ignorance among us, we should be making decisions according to their latest discovery. And hopefully before they discover that their ‘discovery’ was ignorantly informed and, subsequently, proven to be wrong.
Now that does sound reasonable.
Or we could simply look for proof before making profound declarations.
It's cold out there, even for hardy New Englanders - USATODAY.com
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Northeast recovers from wet, heavy snowstorm - Politics - msnbc.com
“…the snowiest month in New York in more than 85 years.”
I was going to say something about the… you know…global toastiness thing…but….nah.
Northeast recovers from wet, heavy snowstorm - Politics - msnbc.com
10 states now developing eligibility proof-demands
10 states now developing eligibility proof-demands
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Hawaii Won't Release Obama's Birth Info - FoxNews.com
Is it really a “conspiracy” to want to see something that no one has ever proven to have seen when it’s existence is essential to the legitimacy of the President of The United States?
In this instance, the governor of Hawaii never said he ever saw the document he declared to set out to find. And his spokesperson calls those that question that which the seeker never claims to have found to be conspirators. That, in itself, sounds like a conspiracy to me.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Android is in trouble
HTC is ramping up to make more phones based on Android, perhaps only to find that, down the road, there is an injunction blocking their sales unless a steep royalty is paid. Could this concern cause consumers to delay a purchase or perhaps, make a different choice altogether? Much like the near-death experience that RIM faced with the patent breach with the Blackberry, when a federal judge was prepared to block all B.Berry use in the US at midnight of the proscribed date. And he meant to do it, too. Too bad RIM didn’t pay the piper when his fee was tiny, rather than resist until it became a full-blown marching band. And that could be the straw that breaks the camel's back in a competitive smart phone market where companies like Apple are about to find that they've arrived at the steep face of the mountain they set out to own. Now they have to climb it.
But that's just my opinion.
Now we get to see where the bets fall.
BBC News - Tony Blair 'deeply and profoundly regrets' Iraq dead
"And this is not because we have done something. At some point - and I say this to you with all the passion I possibly can - the West has got to get out of what I think is this wretched policy, or posture, of apology for believing that we are causing what the Iranians are doing, or what these extremists are doing. The fact is we are not.Tony Blair gets it: Obama and his policy needs to go. And if Governor Abercrombie of Hawaii is right, there is no birth certificate in the world that will prevent his removal from office if the Supreme court does the right and just thing in the matter. So far, the head of the Elections Board for the state and their governor are right. There is no birth certificate in Hawaii for Barack Obama.
"The fact is they are doing it because they disagree fundamentally with our way of life and they will carry on doing it unless they are met with the requisite determination and, if necessary, force."
BBC News - Tony Blair 'deeply and profoundly regrets' Iraq dead
Here Comes $4 Gas, $5 Cups of Coffee - Newsweek
This is not rocket science or geological science. It's Political Science. And some people just aren't willing to be all that scientific. Such an attitude has always preceded natural extinctions as the "good ol' days" are about to commit suicide.
Here Comes $4 Gas, $5 Cups of Coffee - Newsweek
Thursday, January 20, 2011
DA: Pa. had ‘utter disregard’ for abortion-seekers - BostonHerald.com
Humans should always be treated as if they were created by God; whether it’s a woman seeking help or a child whose very existence depends on its mother the way the mother was dependant on her own mother.
Humans always deserve respect, regardless of what they have already accomplished or have yet to do so.
No one has a right to deny another the right to a life, even if they depend on you for their very existence.
In some civilized countries it is illegal to fail to stop at the scene of an auto accident.
Humans always deserve repsect.
To fail to do so should always be viewed as criminal.
DA: Pa. had ‘utter disregard’ for abortion-seekers - BostonHerald.com
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
What's In A Word
So I decided to look it up on the website, thesaurus.com. Here's what I found under the heading for "Abortion":
Main Entry: failure
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: lack of success
Synonyms: abortion , bankruptcy, bomb, botch, breakdown, bungle, bust, checkmate, collapse, decay, decline, defeat, deficiency, deficit, deterioration, downfall, failing, false step, faux pas, fiasco, flash in the pan, flop, frustration, implosion, inadequacy, lead balloon, lemon, loser, loss, mess, misadventure, miscarriage, misstep, nonperformance, nonsuccess, overthrow, rout, rupture, sinking ship, stalemate, stoppage, total loss, turkey, washout, wreck
Antonyms: accomplishment, achievement, attainment, earnings, gain, merit, success, win
As we struggle through life trying to make it work, sometimes we need help along the way. Sometimes we go to those we trust to seek counsel and advice. If you were going to ask a trusted individual, in whom you had a measure of confidence, for advice on a matter that you felt was pretty serious in your life, whose outcome could have a lasting effect for many years to come and, should the wrong choice be made, might dictate a future filled with years of regret, how would you want to see yourself as viewed in the light of your decision? Looking at the definition and it synonyms as contrasted by the antonyms, I think its pretty clear how most people would choose. Then, there are those who have abandoned the idea that actions -choices- have consequences. Some refuse to take responsibility for their actions and seek support and comfort where they can find it. I believe that too many have found that comfort in being identified as one whose decisions result in things like abortion , bankruptcy, bomb, botch, breakdown, bungle, bust, checkmate, collapse, decay, decline, defeat, deficiency, deficit, deterioration, downfall, failing, false step, faux pas, fiasco, flash in the pan, flop, frustration, implosion, inadequacy, lead balloon, lemon, loser, loss, mess, misadventure, miscarriage, misstep, nonperformance, nonsuccess, overthrow, rout, rupture, sinking ship, stalemate, stoppage, total loss, turkey, washout, wreck. Too many get this advice from organizations like planned Parenthood which offer failure as the action to which their clients should most closely identify. That is, is the thesaurus and dictionary haven't lost all value in a society that has progressed more towards Alice's Wonderland than Thomas More's Utopia. Never underestimate what people will do for money. Never be shocked at how our country suffers from people who have abandoned any sense of value in themselves because those in whom they place their trust have failed them, as people, so miserably. Never be surprised that Planned Parenthood has found a rich and fertile marketplace in the poorer communities throughout America.
Planned Parenthood hasn't grown to raise the self-view of the poor.It has come to enrich itself, capitalizing on those who would agree that their lives are an abortion. planned parenthood just encourages them to continue to believe it.
American taxpayers financially support an organization that perpetuates failure in society by perpetuating choices that can only be defined, in dictionary terms, as "failure", synonymous with "abortion". Not all doctors went to med school to help others. Some just went there for the money.
Monday, January 17, 2011
By Dictatorial Order
Mr. Obama pays no attention to the majority of the voters. By using EXECUTIVE ORDERS, he will go around Members of the United States Congress---both Republican and Democrat,according to an article by the United States Justice Foundation. He doesn't need your opinion or approval anymore than he thinks he's employed by you to preside over a capitalistic, democratic republic.
His behavior would suggest he is here to destroy it,
either by design or through incompetence.
Obama Scraps 'Virtual Fence' for Border
Brava Janet! Brava!
Obama Scraps 'Virtual Fence' for Border
Monday, January 10, 2011
Obama's State Dept. Removes Mother, Father From Passports
Next, declare the cost of caring for your family to be in a “crisis” state. Then declare the State to be the party responsible for eliminating your crisis-fueled anxiety and dilemma, sharing the load by making everyone, i.e. the State, responsible for your happiness. This is easily done by carefully, strategically and persistently changing the ground rules. Obama masterfully does this by seeming to recite the Constitution while actually misquoting it. Unless you do your own research or have it committed to memory, you might not notice that what he is doing is taking away authorship of your life from you and God and replacing it with the State. Suddenly, your happiness becomes a State -granted right rather than the pursuit of that happiness being the right which was granted by God. It has now become the happiness which is to be administered, rather than protected by the State. Once they’ve firmly established and accepted that the State is responsible for your happiness, then you have given them the authority do determine what level of happiness your life merits.
Voila! Allow me to present to you the goals of...
Giffird and Palin. Who's to Blame?
Think about it, sanely, for a moment.
"Set a target", "Hit the target", phrases commonly used in sales meetings, bankers meetings and children's hospital planning committees. Now picture what that phrase would look like graphically.
"Set your sights", Now picture what "your sights" looks like as a graphic.
"Attack the problems" now visualize an attack as an image.
"Walk softly and carry a big stick", the famous quote of the famous liberal, T. Roosevelt, as it was decided to change the name of the Progressive Party to the Bullmoose Party so as to obscure the socialist nature of the party as it was. Now imagine how the "big stick" could ever be used to an advantage. That's right. It only works when you club someone with it, using physical harm to force them to submit to your will.
Since ultimately, no law or government has any power beyond its ability to inflict physical harm through weaponry of some sort (even incarceration requires the use of weaponry to be successful), to speak in terms that reflect that truth, inherent in political rhetoric for a very long time (ask King George III about how that works out) should shock no one of any maturity or honest character that is willing and able to understand the very nature of political dominion:
This has nothing to do with the rhetoric and everything to do with the character or mental state of the individual.
So we shouldn’t forfeit our own maturity while giving in to the easy and obvious reaction as to blame the weapon for the intention in the heart of the killer. Without the weapon and its imagery, there would be no rule of law. As one of the brilliant thinkers behind the intent of the Constitution noted,
“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.
Thomas Jefferson
Friday, January 07, 2011
Parent One, Parent Two to replace references to mother, father on passport forms
"The State Department has decided to make U.S. passport application forms "gender neutral" by removing references to mother and father, officials said, in favor of language that describes one's parentage somewhat less tenderly. "
Somewhat “less tenderly” and a lot less accurately. First there is the repeal of DADT, where military personnel can now be “openly gay” while in service. What on earth could that possibly be? Does that mean that the parade of tanks will now include a float of confused men in pink camo? Will the PFC kiss his lieutenant when sent off into combat? Somehow, "openly gay" in a military setting just seems like an oxymoron. Gay in the military should be unknown unless the soldier is being sexually demonstrative, which is already inappropriate and not allowed. So how, under such existing guidelines can "open gayness" be expressed? The next year should prove most illuminating if not perversely entertaining. But without this first step of national acceptance the "gay marriage" will have a very step hill to climb. And so, repeal DADT and now it's just another step in the program of capitulation for anyone who is accurately cognizant enough to see "gay marriage" for what it is: a counterfeit, being foisted on the majority of the public by the minority of the emotionally misaligned .
The gay agenda can never advance at all without, first, the removal of truthful accuracy in favor of euphemisms that camouflage the truth. Accurately, the 'gayness' of gays isn't really gay at all. It's a lot more like 'bitter, vindictive, spiteful, jealous and bitchy' than 'happy, glad, joyful, mirthful and pleasant'. The anti-social decay and destructive hatred of self and society, which is the hallmark of the gay movement, becomes way too obvious to be accepted by any society that isn’t already so inebriated that it no longer cares what is going where. The 'in-your-face' revolting character of the 'Pride' festivals makes that all too obvious. How could anyone feel true pride in being singled out -no- singling oneself out as a freak? Pride in being a freak is nothing short of an Alice in Wonderland experience of 'up is down, black is white, in is out' opposition to the truth of the matter. Without euphemistic denial of the truth, all would be plain and homosexuality would be viewed as the aberration that it is.
So now we need a State Department that is afraid to admit that, without a mother and a father, a human can’t come into being. "Parent One and Parent Two" implies that some dodo thinks two men or two women are actually capable of producing offspring. A complete denial of the biological scientific truth, yet they will be the first to complain that Creationism isn’t scientific truth. Those that are atheistic, that is. Those that claim to be religious must first deny the truth of their religious scripture, substituting fantasy, before they can proceed to deceive themselves about the just rewards for their chosen behavior, if not, for them, their normal mental state.
I am, once again, reminded of the telling Reagan quote:
"We're at war with the most dangerous enemy that has ever faced mankind in his long climb from the swamp to the stars. It has been said that if we lose that war, and in so doing lose this way of freedom of ours, history will record with the greatest astonishment, that those who had the most to lose did the least to prevent its happening."R. Reagan
Why Do Liberals Want Conservative Mexicans to Vote?
Is it because amnesty granted for the multitudes would also be amnesty granted for The One?
It's Like Magic!
Saturday, January 01, 2011
Bomb hits Egypt church at New Year's Mass, 21 dead - Boston.com
The New Year’s message from Islam: “In the name of peaceful relations we will kill you all!” At least that’s the message we get from any Muslim who is doing anything publicly. And denouncing these barbaric actions is not forthcoming in any significant way from "the “peaceful Muslims”
As Islam grows, non-Muslims die. America should expect the same as this practice is centuries old wherever this primitive cult is allowed to flourish with no sign of changing. Europe is rife with it.
Get rid of Islam or expect a violent end.